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Come learn the Basics of Leadership, Money Mindset !

And learn about your money and budgeting In 30 Days! with the Money Mentor ® App- Money the Fun and S.M.A.R.T. way learn about money! 

Why Money Mentor ®? 

After teaching financial literacy daily for over 20 years (and reading literacy for over 30 years), we thought it was about time to create a new way to teach the next generation about life skills, communication and money! Money Mentor ® LLC and Money Mentor ®Foundation created a brand new concept, one that has never been seen before in the world, to teach people more about their money and themselves! Incorporating psychology, mindset and financial literacy as well one of our best BONUSES to date! Access to every major financial literacy University program as a BONUS part of the program at no additional cost! 

Money Mentor®LLC-Est 2020 has created the world of MoneyMentorville ®, the town where GBP® has his podcast! To support learning, we have a downloadable app that gives the opportunity to play games around money, without using real money, to learn on, and several children's animated short stories, that can be used by school and churches to expose children and adults to help them learn the words and concepts of money. 

The programs and app is hosted by GPB ® The Worlds First and ONLY "Guinea Piggy Bank"®! From the minds of a former educational psychologist and Academy Award Winning professional production teams and entertainers, we combined our talents and abilities to build a brand new way to teach people how to learn all the basics of money! in a fun and affordable way for all!

Download a free copy of "Rock Soup: A Leadership Journey"

Join our mailing list here & Download The Money Mentor® App Today

Have you ever wanted to learn more about how to make and manage your money, what most people call "financial literacy" ?

Do you want to learn how to get out of the cycle of poverty and living paycheck to paycheck and into ABUNDANCE! 

Look no further... 

We have your new favorite community and program here!  

Hosted by G.B.P.® ( The Guinea Piggy Bank®) the "Mayor of MoneyMentorville" ® GBP® gives people a chance to learn impactful ( normally complex) material in a simple, fun and enjoyable wa

  • Money Mentor® App is Free to Download and Try... after 7 days it becomes a monthly paid program. It is subsidized by our favorite non profit and at $4.89 a month it is priced so that all people who want to learn can afford it. 

  • Then come meet your host who takes you through the Mindset and and introduces you to our financial literacy program, where you can help give yourself and your family a headstart on financial education.

    It comes with :

    *Teaching you of the basic rules of money. 

    *Building an exceptionally effective tool for yourself in less than a week that will give you the formula for financial success. 

    *Using your new Budget to take the next steps

    *Know your FIN number ( Financial Independance Number) 

    *Learn how to use the calculator we provide in app, to know how much you need to put away to get to each million dollars you need! 

    *Games to practice and reinforce the lessons on, business, paying yourself first, putting the right things in place to secure your financial and business future. 

    *Games include topics like Money Magic - how to save as you build your business!

    *Road Trip-How to stay on track financially during a road trip! 

    *How to chose a career path based on the lifestyle you want to live. 

    *and we teach you The Millionare Formula that anyone can use to become a Millionare (if they know their numbers)which we show you how to get them and how to live happily within them! 

    Registration on this site also Includes a complementary download of "Rock Soup Kids: A Cooperation Tale" produced for Kids Ages Teens to Adult. (Rock Soup for Little Ones Coming Soon! ) and Rock Soup for Business: A Leadership Journey a Business Book

  • The kids program is hosted by G.B.P ® and his cartoon village Moneymentorville ®. GBP ® is The World's First and Only Guinea Piggy Bank ® GBP ® who teaches valuable lessons and insights about money on his podcast, as well as Money Mentor ® now available for free download on the App Stores! The app has games, simulations, video games, lessons and links to community groups where you can learn and ask support from other Moms, Families, Military Vets, Schools, Churches and Non Profits. 

See what fans and clients say about this resource

I came to Money Mentor ® wanting to stop living paycheck to paycheck. As a girl in my late twenties, I was working as much as I could but had never really been taught much about money. Money Mentor® gave me a way to easily learn about Money Mentor ®.  They matched me up with a mentor and she had a business and was able to mentor me into building and running my own six figure business. Thank you Money Mentor ® You make learning money fun! 

Rhonda Lewis - Student

As a younger post college student, I started my job in customer service for a tech provider. After downloading Money Mentor® Est 2020, I decided I felt confident enough to start saving my money and building a nest egg. After I got done with the complete program, and my habits were established, I started to facilitate the program as a mentor for the Money Mentor School Program. Thank you Money Mentor® for offering me the support to learn money in the most "fun and S.M.A.R.T way" possible. 

Roy Smith - Educator for Money Mentor® Schools 

As a single Dad, I first came to Money Mentor ® thinking it would be helpful for my son and I to do the program with his school. He is 7 and can understand the content in the kids program ( which is a seperate program). He enjoys both the in person aspects and online games in the after school program at his school. 

Money Mentor ® is being taught in a way that makes it easy. We all know money us not really taught in schools normally but since the world is open to change and I am open to personal responsibility, I thought why not?  I want to be the best parent I can be and when I noticed that I was learning as much or more than my son, I was super pleased that it was something positive that we were able to do together.  I personally always have known how to make money but never really knew how to grow money, by creating a "spending plan" using the tools here, and now I know how much money I can afford to put into my very own savings plan. Money Mentor ® helped me learn the vocabulary to help me understand what to do with money, so I could do it myself with a discount trader, or feel knowledgeable before I met with an outside licensed advisor. No one wants to admit they don't know much about money, but "Money Mentor® is the Way" to financial education for all ages! 

Martin Singer - Online Marketer

© 2024 All rights reserved. Money Mentor ® LLC and Money Mentor Foundation. *Money Mentor is educational only. No products or sales-We are just a fun simple learning app that we think everyone should try!